Trump Is Losing Some Base-Celebrities Over Syria

Oh noes! If Trump loses Alex Jones, what will he do?

Also published as "Opinions Differ at Trump Polit Bureau, er, Fox News"

Transcript of the above video via The Hill:

Infowars founder Alex Jones ripped into President Trump on Friday night after the president authorized military airstrikes in Syria, saying the decision made him "sick."

“If he had been a piece of crap from the beginning, it wouldn’t be so bad,” a visibly emotional Jones said of Trump. “We’ve made so many sacrifices and now he’s crapping all over us. It makes me sick."

Jones said the decision to strike Syria was especially painful because Trump had been “doing so good.”

“Trump’s now a fraud,” Jones later said. “Done.”

"F--- Trump," he vented Friday.

Our own Karoli responds to this video:


As we thought, the America First regiment is not on board with Commander Bunnypants bombing Syria. From the Reliable Sources email thingie, we learn (emphasis theirs):

“CNN and MSNBC were reporting-heavy on Friday night while Fox News was talk-heavy. Fox is not a monolith when it comes to Syria — far from it. Tucker Carlson is deeply skeptical of military action in the region. Sean Hannity is instinctively more supportive of the president’s position. And Laura Ingraham is… somewhere in between?

“Carlson briefly handed off to news anchor Bret Baier for coverage of the presidential address, but even in Carlson’s questions, his concern came through loud and clear. He said of Trump, “This is clearly not something that he ran on, and it’s inconsistent with a lot of the things that he’s said over the years…”

“Later in the evening, the banner on Ingraham’s show said “What does the U.S. really accomplish by striking Syria?” Ingraham remarked to a guest: “Sometimes, when it feels good in the moment — the Iraq war which I was all in favor of — then all of a sudden, you look at four years later, you’re like, what the heck, what, what’s ISIS, what’s happened?”

Oliver Darcy emails: The pro-Trump MAGA portion of the Internet expressed swift outrage at Trump’s decision to launch strikes on Syria. Lucian Wintrich, White House correspondent for the far-right Gateway Pundit website, tweeted, “After Trump’s first year we have: 1.3 trillion omnibus, no wall, war in Syria. Is Clinton secretly President?” Raheem Kassam, a top editor at Breitbart, said it was time “for the real left and real right to unite in opposition to this mindless knee jerk reaction from our neoconservative overlords.” And Mike Cernovich, the notorious pro-Trump internet troll, chimed in: “Congrats Democrats and Never Trump: You got your war!”

So, you know, Comrade Stupid has got that working for him now.

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