Trump Organization Sends Threatening Thug Letter To Panama's President
The Trump Organization pressures Panama's president to intervene in a court case on Trump's behalf - Separation of branches of government be damned!
Hey, I mean if the law is not on your side, just call in a favor, right? Or an implied threat. Whatevs.
Remember a month or so ago in Panama City, when the majority owner of the Trump International Hotel wanted to dissociate from the Trump brand, and tried to kick out all the Trump managers and employees? Well, the fight continues in the lower courts in Panama, and it is not going the way the Trump Organization would like.
What to do? Well, what would any mobbed up, small-minded, entitled, thuggish bully do? (Or, for short, WWAMUSMETBD? You can use that if you want. You're welcome.) THREATEN the President of Panama, that's what.
Lawyers from the Trump org "asked for help" from Panamanian President Juan Carlos Varela to regain control of the hotel, since the lower court judge was not handling the case the way they wanted him to. David Farenholt of The Washington Post told Ali Velshi on MSNBC that the lawyers didn't spell out what the repercussions would be, exactly...but that the judge is risking repercussions by hurting Panama's reputation as a good place to do business.
Isn't that so very Trumpian? Don't like the way a court case is going? See if the executive branch can do anything about it! Separation of powers, Schmeparation of powers! Don't you wish you could do that in AMERICA, Donny??? (Word to the wise - it's not going over so well in Panama, either.)
Or, it could be that lawyers from the Trump Org were just looking out for Panama's president. You know. Like "friends" do. Friends who take your lunch money. They'd hate to see anyone get hurt, I'm sure.
As of now, Panama's president is "studying the issue," but taking no action. Don't hold your breath, Trumpies. In the meantime, please enjoy this video of workers removing Trump's name from the front of the Panama City hotel. It's more satisfying than a Dr. Pimple Popper video.