Trump Rolls Back Obama Healthcare Protections For Transgender People

The systematic undoing of every bit of progress brought forward by Obama continues apace.

I would hope that Kaitlin Jenner is alone in her dopey support of Donald Trump, but this story may actually finally tip the scales.

In his never-ending quest to erase the legacy of Barack Obama, one progressive step at a time, Donald Trump has announced plans to undo regulations that prevented healthcare providers from discriminating against transgender people.

Why? Trump administration officials claim it's because a federal judge found parts of the regulation unlawful. But come on. We all know that this is a easy two-fer for Trump: erasing Obama laws from the books AND unnecessary cruelty to an oppressed and discriminated population.

So that means that if a transgender person is in a car accident and suffers a broken arm (for example) and is taken to the emergency room, that person can be turned away by a doctor who finds him/her "icky" for being transgender, since it's not a life-endangering injury. Or turned away for wanting a check up. Or a flu shot.

MAGAland is a cruel, closed-minded and ugly place.

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