Watch Out, Jan Brewer Is 'Excited' By Border Troops
Tells Neil Cavuto how awesome National Guard Troops will be.
Former Arizona Governor Jan Brewer could not be more delighted over Donald Trump’s decision to send 4,000 National Guard troops to the Mexico border.
Brewer, who was reportedly on Trump’s short list for a cabinet position as Secretary of the Interior, visited Fox News’ Cavuto Live over the weekend to cheerlead the decision.
BREWER: I think it’s terrific news. I think that President Trump is taking real steps to secure our border. … He is delivering on his promises, and I'm excited and encouraged that they're sending the National Guard to the border and here in Arizona we're going to send 150, starting next week.
Predictably, host Neil Cavuto gave her an opening to attack those governors who have decided not to send troops to the border: "Your counterparts in Oregon, Montana,Nevada, it's a question mark in California. What do you make of that?"
Predictably, Brewer took the opportunity to blast them:
BREWER: Well, It's unfortunate. They're just sitting on their hands and doing nothing. They're not taking the issue seriously. I think they ought to think about what their oath of office is in regards to protecting their citizens, and they need to respect the federal authority. … It’s outrageous that they’re doing what they’re doing. … These governors that are turning a blind eye, are certainly not serving their constituency or their state or the United States of America."