Adam Schiff Compares Trump-Defending Republicans To The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse

Rep. Adam Schiff made a pretty solid comparison of the four main Trump lackeys to the Four Horsemen referred to in the Bible

In this short clip, Rep. Adam Schiff compares the four main Republican Trump sycophants to the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Just as a short lesson for those of us (like me) who don't fully get the biblical references, here is what that actually means, per wikipedia:

The Four Horsemen are discussed in the last book of the New Testament called the Book of Revelations. The four riders symbolize four apocalyptic disasters: Pestilence, Famine, War and Death.

Many Christians view the Four Horsemen as a "prophecy of future tribulation, during which many on Earth will die as a result of multiple catastrophes."

Oh. That sounds...not good.

Here is the transcript:

BLITZER: At the swearing in of Gina Haspel today, the president opened up for all practical purposes. He pointed to the house intelligence chairman, Devin Nunes, and said this.

(clip) Trump: And a very courageous man. He's courageous. Congressman Devin Nunes. Thank you very much, Devin, for being here. Appreciate it.

BLITZER: Do you you think he's a very courageous man? He's demanding this in a number of different areas.

SCHIFF: Courageous is certainly not the word I would use. There are essentially Four Horsemen in the House of Representatives for the president. There is Devin Nunes and Trey Gowdy, There is Jim Jordan and Mark Meadows. And they do the president's dirty work in Congress, and in this case, it is demanding information they have no right to see in order to interfere with the Mueller investigation in an effort to give the president cause to fire people, to feed information to the Trump defense team, and we have a weak speaker who is not willing to stand up to them. And I think when the history of this chapter is written, it will be very critical of how complicit Congress was in this all-on attack on the rule of law.

Which one do you think fits each horsemen identity?

My personal guesses:

Death - Nunes
Famine - Gowdy
War - Jordan
Pestilence - Meadows

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