Brian Kemp Campaign Ad Goes Too Far. Even For Gun Nuts.

Because what's more adorable than pointing a shotgun at a teenaged boy in this day and age? Especially if you're running for Governor!

Oh, this joke is so tired. So, so tired. Is it even a joke, anymore? Here's a cute ad from an asshole a man running for office in Georgia.

Brian Kemp sits in a chair, surrounded by guns. He's also holding and lovingly rubbing a shotgun while pointing it towards the feet of a teenaged boy he says is interested in dating one of his daughters. Then he makes the kid run down three reasons Kemp is running for Governor of Georgia. Once the kid passes that test, he quizzes him on the things he'll need if he wants to date Kemp's daughter.

Kid: Respect.
Kemp: And?
Kid: A healthy appreciation for the 2nd Amendment. Sir.

Kemp then lifts the barrel of the gun and points it directly at the kid and says, "We're gonna get along just fine.

Har. How original. And appropriate, given the current cultural climate. How sensitive, given the fact that not three months ago and one state to the south, teenagers were slaughtered by a fellow student with a gun and a grudge. How clever, given the fact that one state to the north, diners were shot to death by a man on a rampage. On what planet is this ad remotely acceptable? Don't answer that.

And, let's talk about his tweet.

Here, he specifies potential dates for his daughter must respect WOMEN. Of course. Because threatening their dates with bodily harm shows you trust her ability to handle herself, right? Psssst...hey, Brian, teenaged girls have libidos, too...what if her date is just respecting her desire to explore her sexuality? Are you going to shoot him then? Or did your brain just explode?

Yeah, we're sure you, yourself have a healthy respect for women and their choices.

Anywho, methinks the backlash you are getting for the ad is well-deserved, and hope it grows exponentially. Let's just end on one of the better responses to your ludicrous, pathetic, ammosexual insecurities.

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