Former Trump Adviser Rips His Campaign-Spy Conspiracy Theory

A.J. Delgado was one of Trump's most vocal defenders in 2016, but even she has had enough of the ridiculous conspiracy theories.

Last night, as Fox's questionable national security expert and European fugitive Sebastian Gorka droned on with inflammatory, inaccurate and baseless accusations about the Donald Trump campaign being spied on, former Trump adviser A.J. Delgado blasted the effort as “Conspiracies-That-Don’t-Make-Sense.”

Mediaite explains:

Delgado, who served as an adviser on Trump’s campaign, responded to comments made by former White House aide and make-believe doctor Sebastian Gorka, who made a bold (and baseless) declaration on Fox Business Network Monday night.

“If the accusations turn out to be true about this asset, this mole, or what now seems to be the case, multiple FBI assets, this will be the first time ever in American history that one administration put covert assets for political purposes into the other party’s campaign to undermine, and potentially frame, the candidate of that party,” said Gorka, whose education at Corvinus University of Budapest apparently did not cover the Nixon administration.

Delgado was once a former staunch Trump advocate. She appeared often on Fox during the 2016 campaign. But as an article in The Atlantic details, shortly after the election, Delgado revealed that she was pregnant via an affair with fellow adviser Jason Miller. He was (and still is) married. Their relationship became acrimonious and as Miller’s career rose, Delgado’s stalled.

Apparently, Delgado is no longer the Trump cheerleader she once was. Let’s hope her difficulties opened her eyes to some realities about Trump and that it was not mere bitterness that turned her against him. However, Delgado’s tweets ripping Team Trump’s latest efforts to undermine the Russia investigation seemed grounded in facts and common sense, not emotions.

Don’t hold your breath for any Delgado appearance on Fox any time soon, though.

Watch the discussion that set off Delgado above, from Fox Business Network's May 21, 2018 The Intelligence Report with Trish Regan.

Originally published at

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