Fox’s Jesse Watters Suggests Separating Immigrant Children From Parents Is ‘Humane’

After Ivanka Trump was roasted on Twitter for posting a photo of herself holding her son – while her father’s policies have separated more than 700 children from their adult caregivers – Fox News conservatives sprang into Republican Rehab action.

After Ivanka Trump was roasted on Twitter for posting a photo of herself holding her son – while her father’s policies have separated more than 700 children from their adult caregivers – Fox News conservatives sprang into Republican Rehab action.

On The Five this Tuesday, cohost Greg Gutfeld started the discussion by conflating the separations with reports on the Trump administration’s inability to account for about 1,500 immigrant children. However those 1,500 unaccounted-for children arrived unaccompanied at the border.

That is a separate issue from the more than 700 immigrant children that have been removed from adults claiming to be their parents. More than 100 of those children were under the age of 4.

“So as Trump cements his agenda through significant legislation, these folks have the vapors over imaginary discrimination,” Gutfeld said disingenuously. Then he had the nerve to attack the rest of the media for being dishonest. “It’s all the usual suspects: identity activists, the paranoids in pajamas – you know, The New York Times. Fake news is no longer a catchphrase, it’s a brand,” Gutfeld sneered.

Later, Gutfeld attacked CNN for reporting on the backlash against Ivanka Trump, as if Fox wouldn’t have had something similar happened under Obama.

Cohost and Trump pal Jesse Watters sprang into Rehab duty, with an assist from cohost Dana Perino:

WATTERS: The reason they do this, the reason they have the policy to separate children and families is to discourage human trafficking, to discourage families from taking kids across a treacherous, hot, dangerous southern border trip, and they want to discourage dangerous and illegal immigration.

PERINO: They also try to separate them because the adults go to a place that you wouldn’t want to have children in so let’s try to find a different place for them

WATTERS: Some would say it’s a more humane policy to do that. That’s the argument.

Watch Gutfeld, Watters and Perino try to defend the indefensible above, from the May 29, 2018 The Five.

(Transcript excerpt via Media Matters)

Crossposted at News Hounds.
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