Fun With Guns: Man Shot After Gun He Hid In Oven Explodes

A Florida man learned that there are some places where it's just not smart (or safe) to hide your gun.

Okay, Florida, you win.

Robin Garlock, who is 44 years old, hid his revolver in the broiler when his kids came to visit him.

He neglected to tell his girlfriend.

She pre-heated the oven for something she planned to cook later that evening.

She heard a gunshot. Then more gunshots. She ran for cover and called Garlock, who faced a grim situation.

“It’s too hot,” Warren Police Detective Wayne Mackey told the Vindicator. “The gun literally spun around because it’s going off.”

He was burned as he tried to retrieve the gun. Handy kitchen hint: Use a pot holder when trying to catch your revolver in the oven. Those suckers run!

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