Jeanine Pirro Calls Jeff Sessions ‘The Most Dangerous Man In America’

Jeanine Pirro calling Jeff Sessions “the most dangerous man in America" is the unhinged behavior of someone so worried about what might be found out about Donald Trump that she's willing to act like a Russian agent, herself, in the service of protecting him.

You don't have to be a fan of Jeff Sessions to know that Jeanine Pirro calling him “the most dangerous man in America" is the unhinged behavior of someone so worried about what might be found out about Donald Trump that she's willing to act like a Russian agent, herself, in the service of protecting him.

While accusing everyone investigating him, Pirro acted as though Trump, the most corrupt, lying, public official imaginable, is a Boy Scout. Clearly, she would rather Russia’s interference in our election get swept under the rug than have an investigation that might be embarrassing or worse for Trump. So, in a voice filled with hammy indignation, she called the special counsel attorneys working on the Russia investigation the “singularly most biased special counsel attorneys in American history.”

Putin must be so pleased.

This from the woman who was married for 32 years to a lawyer with alleged mob ties, who went to jail for tax fraud and who fathered an illegitimate daughter. She also came under federal investigation for allegedly planning to bug her husband’s boat to see if her husband was cheating on her. It just so happens that same (now former) husband was kept on retainer by Trump. it's not clear if that ended after the jail sentence.

With no irony, Pirro complained that former FBI Director Jim Comey exonerated Hillary Clinton before the investigation was over. In fact, he didn’t. But, apparently, facts don’t matter to Pirro when she’s in the service of Trump.

“They lied to us!” Pirro said self-righteously about the Department of Justice, though lying doesn’t seem to bother her either in a husband or a president.

And speaking of lies, in a matter of moments, Pirro went on to regurgitate a lie that her own network debunked, that Clinton (whom Pirro referred to as “their candidate,” meaning the DOJ) “approved the sale of 20% of our uranium to Russia and then pocket $145 million for their so-called charity.”

Funny, I haven’t heard a peep out of Pirro about Trump pocketing funds that were supposed to go to a children's cancer charity.

“All the while the Clinton Foundation receives hundreds of millions of dollars from people doing business with the U.S. government, our government," Pirro continued.

No peep out of Pirro about the Trump kleptocracy. By the way, I’ll bet not a single member of the special counsel team was ever married to a tax-fraud felon.

With a ghoulish grin, Pirro moved in for the kill-the-Russia-investigation with more lies:

PIRRO: And this week, we find out the FBI ran a spy operation – actually placing an informant, a mole in the Trump campaign before there were any legal grounds to do any such thing.

Wrong again! As The New York Times explained, “F.B.I. agents sent an informant to talk to two campaign advisers only after they received evidence that the pair had suspicious contacts linked to Russia during the campaign.

Suspicious contacts with Russia by the Trump campaign? Not worth a moment of concern from Pirro. She couldn’t be bothered to explain what made the FBI suspicious. For example, one incident cited by The Times was Michael Flynn’s “apparent closeness with a Russian woman” at an intelligence seminar.

No, Pirro was more interested in stopping anyone investigating it. In a classic moment of gaslighting and projection, Pirro accused the FBI of engaging in “a classic, totalitarian third-world tactic.”

Pirro went on to channel her inner Trump as she blamed “Liar Loretta Lynch” for the informant, thus blowing a smokescreen around the far greater misdeeds that Lynch and the FBI were undoubtedly concerned about. Or if not Lynch, “then the FBI under James Comey was even more corrupt, going rogue in their attempt to destroy Donald Trump.” As if Pirro wasn't on a mission to destroy the independence of our DOJ and make it subservient to Trump.

But all that was a precursor to Pirro’s most aggressive, most anti-American effort to protect Trump of all:

PIRRO: What, ladies and gentlemen, is unmistakable in all of this is that the single most dangerous person to the agenda of President Trump, the Republican Party and, ultimately, to all Americans is the attorney general of the United States, himself, Jeff Sessions. … Jeff Sessions is indeed the most dangerous man in America.

Watch Pirro's assault on America above, from the May 18, 2018 Justice with Judge Jeanine.

Originally published at Newshounds.us

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