Lindsey Graham Thinks The White House Should Apologize...In The Mildest Possible Manner

Even the gross inhumanity of their treatment of his alleged BFF doesn't get more than a milquetoast-y request for an apology.

Some historian is going to have a field day with figuring out when exactly the entire Republican Party submitted to spinal removal surgery.

Imagine if there was someone so utterly lacking in class and basic decency in the Obama White House who would make a "joke" like Kelly Sadler did this week. There would be pearl-clutching and wailing and gnashing all over the Sunday shows about the descent of norms and humanity. Not only would Republicans demand the firing of the aide, but they'd insist that President Obama himself should resign for the disrespect to the office.

But obviously, we work with different rules for the Trump administration.

Sen. Lindsey Graham, John McCain's ostensible BFF in the Senate, to his credit, is one of the only Republican politicians to speak out against this offense.

But come on, this is the mildest, most milquetoasty of rebukes.

BRENNAN: Your good friend John McCain, I know you were just visiting with him, and there's been some controversy here over a White House aide's comments, that Senator McCain's opposition to Gina Haspel for CIA doesn't matter because he's -- quote -- "dying."

Are you satisfied with how the White House has responded?

GRAHAM: No, not really. It's a pretty disgusting thing to say. If it was a joke, it was terrible joke.

I just wish somebody from the White House would tell the country that was inappropriate, that's not who we are in the Trump administration. And John McCain can be criticized for any political decision he's ever made or any vote he's ever cast, but he's an American hero.

And I think most Americans would like to see the Trump administration do better in situations like this. It doesn't hurt you at all to do the right thing and to be big.

BRENNAN: Should the president himself apologize?

GRAHAM: I will leave that up to him.

But if something happened like that in my office, somebody in my office said such a -- such a thing about somebody, I would apologize on behalf of the office.

Hate to break it to Graham, but this is EXACTLY who they are in the Trump administration: vulgar, cruel, mean-spirited and without any sense of decorum or decency.

Maybe it's him who should be apologizing to us for continuing to enable it.

For what it's worth, Jake Tapper reported today that Kelly Sadler did reach out to apologize to Meghan McCain privately. But she didn't offer an public apology as she promised to Meghan.

But who is so gullible as to believe a Trumper at their word?

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