'Mulvaney Wing' GOP Welches On Deal, Cuts Budget For Sick Poor Kids

The White House and Mick Mulvaney want to cut CHIP program. Again. In a budget "do-over."

That’s the headline we should see if Republicans are successful in the so-called budget recission deal:

The White House says the clawback is mostly aimed at unobligated funds, such as those leftovers in accounts for defunct programs. Scrapping unobligated funds does not reduce the deficit.

Some of the funds being targeted, however, would reduce expenditures…

And what would that include?

The White House says the CHIP funds are from two accounts: one in which the spending authorization has already lapsed, and another that has excess funds that are not expected to be used.

“None of the CHIP programs that have just been reauthorized would be impacted in any way should this rescissions package pass,” Mulvaney told reporters at the Capitol on Tuesday.


“These Republican rescissions show the hypocrisy of a GOP Congress that insists on tight budgets for children and families while handing enormous, unpaid-for giveaways to corporations and the wealthiest,” House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Monday night.

The press of course is not lookin at the impact on families and children, they are looking at the drama:

Democrats cried foul at the notion of canceling recently approved 2018 spending from a bipartisan deal, saying it would breach the agreement and poison the well for future negotiations.

I think our pal and fellow Scissorhead Bluegal is gonna cry.

The press might be talking about wells and whatnot, but the Republicans are actually plotting to take away children’s healthcare.

crossposted from Mock Paper Scissors

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