Oliver North Knows Who Are The REAL Criminals: Those Parkland Kids
He also likened the poor, put upon NRA members to suffering under Jim Crow.
Boy, it's been a hell of a week for the NRA's new president, Oliver North, hasn't it?
If the notion of celebrating a convicted gun runner for terrorists as the head of the NRA wasn't enough, Oliver North hit the ground running and setting up exactly who the enemy is.
Horrifyingly, he's decided it's the teenagers who survived the Parkland, Florida school shooting. In a wide-ranging interview with The Washington Times, North made it clear that he thinks the whole idea of not wanting to be shot at while attending high school to be entirely...criminal.
He said the young survivor-activists who have emerged as representatives for gun restrictions – and as fierce opponents of the NRA – are getting swept up by a broader propaganda machine.
“What they did very successfully with a frontal assault, and now intimidation and harassment and lawbreaking, is they confused the American people,” he said. “Our job is to get the straight story out about what happened there, and to make sure that kind of thing doesn’t happen again because the proper things are being done with the advocacy of the NRA.”
The advocacy of the NRA that has seen an average of one school shooting a week since Sandy Hook? That advocacy? Yeah, hard pass, Ollie.
But the level of snowflake persecution hasn't yet reached ridiculous levels yet. No, Oliver North, the guy who should be in prison still for violating our own national security sanctions, actually had the unmitigated gall to liken the suffering of the poor NRA member to what it was like to live under Jim Crow.
Mr. North said the NRA is now the victim of “civil terrorism” after vandals splashed fake blood on the Virginia home of a top NRA official and other opponents aimed personal “threats” at NRA leaders and members.
“They call them activists. That’s what they’re calling themselves. They’re not activists – this is civil terrorism. This is the kind of thing that’s never been seen against a civil rights organization in America,” he said.“You go back to the terrible days of Jim Crow and those kinds of things – even there you didn’t have this kind of thing,” he said. “We didn’t have the cyberwar kind of thing that we’ve got today.”
Sweet jesus, just shut up. No one is lynching NRA members. No one is burning crosses in your front yard. The playing-the-victim-card-for-your-right-to-scare-everyone-else-with-firearms is so ridiculous. And it's especially tone-deaf considering how virulent and disgusting NRA supporters were towards the Parkland survivors. Attacking children after a traumatic shooting in which they saw their friends and teachers mowed down. For wanting to feel safe on their campuses.
There is no hell nasty or painful enough for the likes of them.
But their rhetoric proves that they know they will ultimately lose this fight. Because THIS is our future, where Waffle House shooting hero James Shaw, Jr. met with the Parkland activists.
Suck on that, Ollie.