Rep. Maxine Waters Refuses To Yield Even One Second To Rep. Mike Kelly

Rep. Kelly tries to tell Rep. Waters that she should not talk about discrimination, when the House is debating rolling back protections against discrimination. It doesn't go well.

When will white men learn? Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) will not yield to ANY of them. How DARE they even ask?

They should be grateful they get to breathe the same air that she does, let alone occupy space in the same legislative body. Two of them got taught that lesson, though whether or not they learned from it remains to be seen.

Republicans were debating (and ultimately succeeded in) rolling back an Obama-era rule that helped prevent auto-dealers from charging higher prices to people of color than to white people. Rep. Waters argued against it. Rep. Mike Kelly (R-PA) decided to try it with Rep. Waters, apparently telling her she doesn't understand what goes on in auto-dealerships, and that (are you sitting down?) that she doesn't understand discrimination.

Friends, shall we have a moment of silence for whatever was left of Rep. Kelly's shame? Because he clearly has none of it now.

He actually told Rep. Maxine Waters to stop talking about discrimination.

We're trying to make America great every day and every way and the best way to do that is to stop talking about discrimination and start talking about the nation. We're coming together as a people in spite of what you say.

Who just shuddered? Did you just shudder? I just shuddered and all I did was type that.

Here was her brilliant response.

I want you to know that I am more offended as an African-American woman than you will ever be. And this business about making America great again, it is your president that's dividing this country and don't talk to me about the fact that we don't understand... (At this point Kelly interrupts her and asks her to yield to him) No, I will not yield, no I will not yield. Don't tell me we don't understand, that's the attitude given toward women time and time again.

At this point, Republican Chair, Tom McClintock interrupts her to "remind" her to direct her remarks to the Chair. Mind you, McClintock said the same thing to Kelly, but not until he had FINISHED his remarks, which were directed loudly and angrily and clearly at Rep. Waters.

I respect the Chair, but don't stop me in the middle when you didn't stop him in the middle. And so I shall continue. (looks straight back at Kelly and points at him ohmygod I love her so much) Don't you dare talk to me like that and think that somehow women don't understand what goes on on the floors of automobile dealers.

McClintock again interrupts her to tell her to direct her remarks to the Chair, and not to Kelly. So this makes the THIRD interruption of her time speaking, for those of you keeping score at home.

1. Kelly, asking her to yield.
2. McClintock, telling her to direct remarks to the Chair.
3. McClintock, again telling her to direct remarks to the Chair.

And I am saying that I will continue to do that. However, I do not appreciate that you did not interrupt him when he was making those outrageous remarks about him knowing more about discrimination than I know about discrimination. I resent that, and I resent the talk about making America great again. He’s down here making a speech [about] this dishonorable president of the United States of America ,and having said that, I reserve the rest of my time, {Kelly: Will the gentlewoman yield?} and no I don’t yield, not one second to you. {Kelly: Will the gentlewoman yield?}Not one second. {Kelly: That's exactly what I expected.}Not one second to you.

4. 5. 6.

Rep. Mike Kelly was not interrupted by a colleague. He was not interrupted by the Chair. The white man was not told what he should and should not talk about.

Six times Rep. Maxine Waters was interrupted when using her rightful time to discuss the rollback of protection against discrimination. She was told to not discuss discrimination. She was told she didn't understand things. She was not believed when she said she would not yield. She told a white man no, he wouldn't take no for an answer, and when she stood her ground, he was even more disrespectful, saying, "Well, that's what I expected."

He may as well have said, "Just like a woman."

Damn straight. White men will never, ever learn. Rep. Maxine Waters is not to be messed with, and she always tells the truth.

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