UPDATED: Senate PASSES Net Neutrality Bill 52-47

The Senate votes on whether to reinstate the net neutrality rules that were repealed by the Trump administration

UPDATE: On a 52-47 vote, the Senate voted to pass Net Neutrality.


"Net Neutrality" is a term many of us have heard a lot of over the last 6 months or so, but few of us fully understand exactly how losing it would affect our day to day lives. Net neutrality is defined as:

"The principle that Internet service providers should enable access to all content and applications regardless of the source, and without favoring or blocking particular products or websites."

It also means that all sites are treated equally and that internet providers, like Comcast and Verizon, cannot treat certain sites differently, block certain sites, etc. They also cannot slow down access to streaming sites like Hulu or Netflix in order to make you pay for a different cable package. After years of wrangling, the FCC passed a sweeping net neutrality order in 2015. This was under President Obama, so obviously Trump had to dismantle it.

Here is a handy primer from the ACLU that explains exactly what it is and why it is important.

Burger King also put out this brilliant ad explaining net neutrality in the simplest of terms. It was a pretty amazing way of explaining it and was a huge hit on social media.

In December of 2017, the Republican led FCC, voted to throw out the net neutrality rules. If this stands, the rules would expire on June 11, 2018. Democrats and advocacy groups have been trying to force a vote on this and have successfully managed to get enough signatures to bring it to the floor of the Senate on Wednesday.

But will they be successful?

Reuters is reporting that the Democrats have the backing of 50 U.S. Senators - including all Democrats and Republican Susan Collins. It is unclear of the House of Representatives will agree to vote on the issue, though. There is also the issue of the White House fully backing the FCC. And if history has shown us anything, Donald Trump doesn't care about anyone but himself - and dismantling anything President Obama did.

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