There's A Reason It's So Easy To See Trump-Russia Ties

The Trump-Russia ties are "hidden in plain sight." That may be on purpose.

This short and sweet CNBC video shows that Trump's ties to Russia are yuuge and totally out in the open.

That may be intentional.

The long list of open Russia ties is here, and includes:

For his campaign, Trump tapped advisors with questionable ties to Moscow.

He made Paul Manafort his campaign chief. A Trump Tower resident since 2006, Manafort had received tens of millions of dollars from Putin allies in Ukraine.

He made Michael Flynn his national security advisor. In November 2015, Flynn got $45,000 from a Russian propaganda arm to attend a dinner with Putin.

He picked as foreign policy advisers Carter Page — identified years earlier by U.S. officials as a potential Russian spy – and a little-known 30-year-old named George Papadopoulos.

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