PAY TO PLAY? Ukraine Paid Michael Cohen $400k For Meeting With Donald Trump

The BBC reports that Michael Cohen was paid at least $400,000 by Ukraine for a meeting with Donald Trump after he took office.

The hits just keep on coming. If it's a day of the week ending in "day" it probably means another bad news day for Michael Cohen. Today's a particularly bad one, if the reports from the BBC are correct.

Earlier today, they reported that Michael Cohen was paid $400,000 by Ukraine to set up a face to face meeting with Donald Trump back in June of 2017. Michael Cohen has never filed a FARA, nor is he a registered representative of the Ukraine, as required by law.

So this is the LITERAL definition of pay for play, right? Money for access?

BBC reports that the payment was "arranged by intermediaries acting for Ukraine's leader, Petro Poroshenko" and that shortly after the meeting in June of 2017, Ukraine decided to stop investigating Paul Manafort. Totally coincidental, I am sure.

Why was Michael Cohen needed? Ukraine felt that they could only get a photo op with Trump. They really wanted a face to face meeting. So they reached out to Cohen, official fixer of all problems. And wouldn't you know, Cohen was happy to accept the $400,000 fee for his assistance. Are the missing SARS reports the ones showing Ukrainian payments to Cohen?

The meeting went on, photos were taken, Manafort was let off the hook.

Earlier this month, Ukraine stopped cooperating with Robert Mueller's investigation.

Michael Cohen has denied the allegations.

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