Waterboard Weasel Hannity: Haspel ‘Did America A Great Service’ Torturing People

Although Sean Hannity still hasn’t lived up to his 2009 promise to undergo waterboarding for charity, the coward thinks that doing so to others is part of what makes America great.

Although Sean Hannity still hasn’t lived up to his 2009 promise to undergo waterboarding for charity, the coward thinks that doing so to others is part of what makes America great.

Hannity endorsed the practice in two different segments on his May 10, 2018 show. First, in his opening monologue, he put forth the false claim that torture led to the capture of Osama bin Laden. Chickenhawk Hannity also praised chickenhawk Dick Cheney’s false suggestion that the alternative to torture is to beg for information. But someone who has actually served in the military, Secretary of Defense James Mattis, has said that beer and cigarettes are more effective than torture.

That’s all bad enough. But the most reprehensible things about Hannity’s comments were the repeated suggestions that torture is patriotic and that those who oppose it are not:

HANNITY: Democrats are opposing [Gina Haspel’s nomination to be CIA director] because they think the enhanced interrogation program she oversaw was too tough on terrorists like Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, you know, the guy that was the mastermind behind 9/11. Former vice president Dick Cheney, he’s not buying it, he’s dead on accurate. Earlier today, he came out swinging, good for the former vice president.

Watch this.


DICK CHENEY, FORMER VICE PRESIDENT: What we did was in fact consistent with our fundamental statutes and agreements that were in place and it worked. I think what we did helped ultimately produce the intelligence we needed to be able to get bin Laden. If it were my call, I would not discontinue those programs. I’d have them active and ready to go.

You tell me that the only a method we have is please, please, pretty please, tell us what you know. Well, I don’t buy that and I think the techniques were used were not tortured, so now people want to go back and try to rewrite history. But if it were my call, I’d do it again.


HANNITY: Of course, the vice president Dick Cheney is right. The interrogation of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, it led to the courier. That courier led us to where Usama bin Laden was. It is time for Democratic senators to put the safety of you, the American people, ahead of their personal hatred of President Trump.

We need to confirm people, heroes, like Gina Haspel, as soon as possible. Without a doubt, she is an American hero. She is the right choice to lead the CIA.

Later, during a panel discussion, even the thuggish, Nazi-tied fugitive Sebastian Gorka suggested that torturing is not the most effective interrogation technique.

But first, Hannity called torture “one of the most important issues facing this country.

HANNITY: Dr. Gorka, this is one of the most important issues that’s facing this country and I—look, it was the law at the time. Also, it was under the highest level of medical supervision. We are not, as some of these Democratic senators suggest, we are not the enemy. Now, they may not have known it was medically supervised, but they didn’t need to know that.

But—and in the aftermath of 3,000 Americans killed, we needed information about what else might be coming, what dangers exist and I think she and others did America a great service here.

GORKA: [Haspel] is a patriot and a 30-year plus veteran of the intelligence community. Personally, and I’m not going to go into the details, I have some issues in enhanced interrogation because of the danger it can lead to of people fabricating information to get you to stop doing what you’re doing to them.

But look at the facts. We’re talking about three people, Sean. We’re talking about interrogations that led to the saving of lives undoubtedly.

Watch the stupefying love for torture below, from the May 10, 2018 Hannity show. But first, watch Hannity promise to undergo waterboarding “for the troops’ families” above, on April 22, 2009.

You can contact Hannity via his website or via Twitter @SeanHannity to remind him of his unfulfilled promise.

(Transcript excerpts via FoxNews.com)

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Originally published at Newshounds.us

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