Why It Looks Like Trump Got Playmate Pregnant -- And Broidy Covered For Him

Whoever leaked the existence of the Bechard NDA to the Wall St. Journal also asserted that the agreement was between Bechard and Broidy. Why believe it?

Chris Hayes talked about this New York magazine article last night that theorizes that Trump got Playboy playmate Shera Bechard pregnant and used businessman Elliott Broidy to pay her $1.3 million in hush money.

The probable payoff for Broidy? Consulting contracts from the United Arab Emirates worth up to $600 million over five years. (Mother Jones' Kevin Drum concurs.)

I have a less scientific method. I went to Bechard's Twitter feed, which otherwise mostly features puppies and swimming pools, and found she also retweeted these:

Yep. Sounds like a Trump survivor.

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