Yes Trump Has Done Impeachable Offenses, But...

The question remains if impeachment would help him politically.

Clip of the Day from Michelle Goldberg, who says what needs to be said about impeachment.

The lead-off is Rudy Guiliani, who Chris Hayes points out "gives away the game" by saying impeachment is a political matter that Congress will not approach without a safe number of voters supporting it. So that's why Trump is waging a public relations war against the Mueller investigation.

MICHELLE GOLDBERG: I think to some extent I think that Democrats have made it a little bit too easy for them because there's no question at least in my mind that Trump has done manifold things that are impeachable. If he has done even a third of the things that we think he's done in the Russia investigation, never mind emoluments, never mind compromising American intelligence, of course, he should be impeached. Democratic leadership decided for what might it be very sound politically or strategically political reasons to take impeachment off the table. They've decided that this is an issue they don't want to fight on. They have the example of impeachment sort of backfiring on Republicans during President Clinton's administration. But what it means is that the goal posts have shifted so that you don't have a lot of the strong voices out there anymore saying that this is an absolutely unprecedented scandal, this is an intolerable level of corruption, and you know, we already know enough to know that this president should be removed from office expeditiously.

If we don't say now that this is an "intolerable level of corruption" our nation is sunk. Since Republicans in the Congress won't say it, we'll have to tell them so loudly at the ballot box this November. Vote them out.

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