About That Wacky California Primary: Pundits Are Wrong
Pundits want to make this a "Democrats in Disarray" story, but it isn't.
Above: Gavin Newsom remembers another California Primary. Video via The Washington Post.
The Villagers are writing today about the inherent flaws in the so-called Jungle Primary system, rather than write about how wrong they were that the Democrats would be shut-out. The Villagers still want their Dims in Disarray headlines, you know, for balance. Kooky California, etc.
Here’s the bottom line: the Republicans did not shut out anyone, nor did they gain any likely congressional districts; at least not yet, the votes are still being counted and a few races are close. The Primary worked as designed. In California, the Republicans have fewer registered voters than Independents; they essentially are a third party with a few strongholds that might not be that strong come the general election.
The Gub’nor’s Race: There was one YUGE eff-up in that 100,000+ Angelenos were dropped from the roles due to a printing error. Former LA Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa asked for the polls to remain open for those voters, but ultimately conceded to Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom. Villaraigosa was trailing badly by more than 500K votes, so even in the unlikely event that the entire printing-error voters had gone for him, he would still be in third place. So, Newsom will go up against Republican John Cox (whom Comrade Trump endorsed, and will soon be crowing about that).
Just checked:
Great night for Republicans! Congratulations to John Cox on a really big number in California. He can win. Even Fake News CNN said the Trump impact was really big, much bigger than they ever thought possible. So much for the big Blue Wave, it may be a big Red Wave. Working hard!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 6, 2018
That was too easy.
Crossposted from Mock Paper Scissors