Chris Christie Sets Up Law Firm, Rudy Lies That He Sent Him Clients

You can tell when Rudy Giuliani is lying because his lips are moving!

Some days, the stories write themselves. I read my Google news alert this morning and these two stories popped up.

"Chris Christie sets up law firm, Rudy Giuliani says he's sent him clients"

The story was on NorthJersey.com:

It is not clear what type of law Christie is practicing, but Giuliani, the former New York City mayor now working on Trump's legal team in the special counsel investigation, said in an interview with The Record and NorthJersey.com he has referred two former clients to Christie. Before representing Trump, Giuliani worked for the Greenberg Traurig law firm.

It was immediately followed by this from Fox:

"Chris Christie rep. denies Rudy Giuliani sent his firm legal work"

A Christie representative denied Giuliani's claim. "Gov. Christie has not been referred any clients from Mayor Giuliani," spokesman Pete Sheridan said in an email.

Couldn't members of the press agree never to treat anything Giuliani says as truthful?

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