Chuck Todd Introduces A Drug For Trump Fatigue
Ask your doctor if 'Oblivia' ® is right for you.
I'm thinking if it isn't already, 'Trump Fatigue' will soon be a medically recognized disease that many Americans will need real treatment from. Trump is literally making millions sick every day with his constant bullshit and tearing down of American institutions and something should done about it.
Chuck Todd does a mildly funny riff on just that here,
Source: The Hill
NBC and MSNBC host Chuck Todd touted a mock cure for news fatigue on "Meet the Press Daily" on Wednesday by offering up a fake pharma commercial for a faux drug that warns against taking if suffering from "POTUS."
The sketch comes as Pew Research found in a poll released Tuesday that nearly 7 in 10 Americans "feel worn out by the amount of news there is these days."
"The Trump presidency has just consumed the news cycle as well as all of the oxygen in the room," Todd said on Wednesday. "In fact, our friends at the Pew Research Center finds that nearly 7-in-10 Americans suffer from news fatigue.
"Both Democrats and Republicans report they're utterly worn out. And really, can you blame them? If only there was something that can help," he said before drifting into a dream sequence right out of the Saturday Night Live playbook that imagined the cure.