Dear Foreign Allies: Please Help Us Save Our Democracy
Yes, we know Americans can be ugly asshats, but save us anyway?
Dear Allies,
Americans are obnoxious. We can be assh*les. We put the American flag everywhere. We wear tennis shoes and baseball caps. Americans can be arrogant. America is like that member of the family who makes you drink too much over the holidays because you can’t listen to another one of their jokes or stories.
We are loud and tacky, but we are the first to answer calls for help. America and Americans are the first in line to fight injustice, battle the bullies who want to take down democracy. Then Donald Trump stole the 2016 Presidential election.
Americans need help from our allies across the world because we are going under. It's very grim. The American people watch in horror every day as our “leader” makes unspeakable decisions and aligns our nation with despots.
The majority of people in America still hold democratic beliefs...we are the same country you’ve always known. The problem is that a handful of evil, racist trolls are in charge of our government. The band of greedy traitors led by Trump and Russia stole our 2016 election and are quickly driving our country off a cliff.
Americans got cocky. We didn’t think we could be overtaken by a foreign power. We didn’t see the warning signs and now we are, to use an American term, in deep shit.
This letter is a plea from all Americans: please help us do what our courts and our congress will not do. Please help us put Trump out of office.
We don’t have much time. I’m afraid the American democracy will not last until the November elections. Trump and our government leaders are owned by Putin lock stock and barrel.
Here’s what’s happened in the last WEEK, in plain sight:
The United States government took 2500 kids from their parents and spread them across the country. In the “land of the free and the home of the brave” our President ordered babies, toddlers and children to be ripped from their parents and put into cages. Like animals.
America’s Supreme Court has legitimized discrimination against Muslims.
Our Nation’s Security Adviser John Bolton is travelling to Moscow to meet with Putin.
Six U.S. Senators are going to Russia to meet with the people who hacked the 2016 election and put Donald Trump into power.
Allies, please bring to light any and all info your intelligence has on Trump and his henchmen. My hope is that by quickly exposing the cancerous rot that surrounds Trump and team, with videos and pictures, it can jolt the American people and our media into action that will force change.
Trump’s heinous actions THAT WE KNOW ABOUT are awful, so the information your intelligence has dug up on our “leader” and his thuggish crew has to be completely obscene. Send pictures! Videos!
I live in the heart of America, where many misguided people voted for Trump. But even in “Trump Country” people are scared. Please help Americans take back our America.
Thank You.
Rachel from the Red States