Fox News' Jeanine Pirro Freaks Out Over Trey Gowdy Siding With The FBI

Jeanine Pirro, a huge fan of "Benghazi Era" Trey Gowdy, officially hates him now that he sided with the FBI in regards to Trump campaign investigative steps.

Whackjob Fox News host and mentally unstable Hillary hunter decided to lash out a fellow Republican for siding with the enemy. Who was her target in this week's opening statement? None other than Benghazi witch hunt leader, Trey Gowdy.

Yup, she FLIPPED OUT about his assertion that the FBI using an informant was totally legit.

Pirro really disliked that he sided with law enforcement over her friend, Emperor Donald. Here is what she screeched:

"This week I am fired up. I am angry, but I am even more confused to why Congressman Trey Gowdy, chairman of the House Committee on Intelligence-- one of the few people in Washington who has the intelligence, the expertise and the ability to see through the nonsense if not illegality going on at the FBI and the Department of Justice--Trey Gowdy would say this about a spy placed in the Trump campaign."

Pirro had fellow tea partiers on to discuss (a.k.a. bash) Gowdy: Mark Meadows, Jim Jordan and Ron DeSantis. Nothing like a circular firing squad of conspiracy theorists and Trump sycophants to really bring down the IQ in the room.

A phrase that stood out to me, outside of the overall ranting, was this:

“He is, in fact, one of my heroes. I don’t know if he went to the dark side or what.”

So...being on the side of justice and truth is the "dark side"? Are we in Upside Down World?

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