Gateway Pundit Fans Lose Their Minds After Trump Seems To Cave On Family Separation
They hate the immigrants, but they hate us, too. It's hard to say which group they hate more.

What the White House has announced today will result in much longer incarceration of children, albeit with their parents, but it's a concession of sorts:
President Trump is preparing to issue an executive order as soon as Wednesday that ends the separation of families at the border by indefinitely detaining parents and children together, according to a person familiar with the White House plans.
Mr. Trump’s executive order would seek to get around an existing 1997 consent decree, known as the Flores settlement, that prohibits the federal government from keeping children in immigration detention — even if they are with their parents — for more than 20 days.
Most of the Trump absolutists in the Gateway Pundit comments are as angry as you'd expect -- but a lot of them seem more disgusted by us than they are by the detainees. They may be racists, but their hatred for us equals their hatred for non-whites, at minimum:
Democrats are worse than our foreign enemies.
I have never detested anything like I detest the leftists.
I second that! SO SO thankful Trump is our president. I cannot grasp the depth of liberal insanity , but I do realize it is all about hatred, violence and intimidation.
I third that. I told a friend of mine yesterday, I am ashamed of what America has become because of them.
And manipulation of people's minds and feelings.
Many ARE foreign enemies
... he has to shut these crazies up for the time being.
I get that that's his intention, but he is naive and gullible to think as I said above in a comment, that anything short of fully rolling out the red carpet to allow every single person from every country in the world into this country is going to satisfy them.
Nothing short of complete surrender and wide open borders is ever going to satisfy them because there is no way for them to get their long desired permanent majority without importing millions of new voters.
Do we still not understand but the Democrat Party is all about?
don't think of it as caving. What he's actually doing is ripping the Left's false narrative right out of their hands. And the plan says keeping children together with parents. DHS Secretary told us that 10,000 of 12,000 children currently being cared for came alone or with adults who were not their parent. The Left only wants a talking point to flog the President with day after day and to keep people's minds off the FBI/DOJ news and any news that will help GOP in November. They don't care about the children, they only want more illegals in the country to vote for them. By doing an executive action to address this issue, the President shows he is willing to do something about the problem... unlike the Dems. I'll reserve further comment until I see what is actually done, but right now it looks like a brilliant move.
He needs to do something b/c he is getting pummeled on this issue. I know the Democrat cult is completely lying about this issue, but like it or not, they've been successful in hurting Trump.
Most Republicans will not defend their own. On the other hand, Democrats will circle the wagons for one of their own even if he/she raped and murdered people.
t is difficult to fight back when you cannot get your message out because 90 percent of the media is against you. Sure the President Tweets, but there needs to be Congressmen and Senators speaking out on something besides Fox News, and it just isn't happening. Billy Bob in Iowa only gets to hear what the Leftist media spews; and he probably doesn't do a lot of Internet research on political stuff, so he believes what he hears and sees. It is tough.
Ehh... let's not think we have to go down the road of "he has to do something!" That's the Democrats famous and favorite line. It always leads to disaster.
No matter what he does; Liberals are interested in only one thing: to get him out of office; they will probably criticize him by saying what took him so long or it's not enough. He will never win with those delusional, dishonest, hateful people.
Then it will be on to the next non-existent crisis of the week.
They want globalism. No borders, no country, no flag, no constitution, no civil rights.
And the globalist open borders crowd are using those libs, most of whom are young, stupid, college aged kids.
Which is why Trump should not be doing this. We have nothing to gain we will get 0 credit or appreciation, and we have plenty to lose.
Stay strong President Trump. Don't go wobbly now.
Normal Americans know the truth, ... Dems use children as a political pawns.
Also the millionaire reporters that won't be giving a spare bedroom to the unaccompanied ones. It breaks their hearts what happens with these kids they'll never help.
Somehow it's President Trump's problems that ILLEGALS put their children in peril. These illegals are already Democrats.
They hate the immigrants, but they hate us, too. It's hard to say which group they hate more.
Crossposted at No More Mr. Nice Blog