George Will Urges Voters To Punish Trump's 'Poodles'

Feckless Republican leaders like Paul Ryan have proven to be completely useless at confronting Trump..

Since today's Republican Party have proven to be a mass of invertebrates, George Will argues that voters should vote for the Democrats instead as a means of curbing some of the worst excesses of Trump, rationalizing that Senate Republicans can contain any Democrat mischief in the House, should they win control there as expected.

A few years ago, a column where George Will would urge his readers to vote for the Democrats would have seemed like something from The Onion. But that was before Trump.

Source: Washington Times

Former Fox News contributor George Will says voters must punish Republican “poodles” during the midterm elections to “quarantine” the president.

An op-ed in Friday’s Washington Post by the long-time political pundit and conservative calls for voters to end the “carnage of Republican misrule” in Washington. Mr. Will claimed the “most telegenic example” of a need to oust Republicans exists with the administration’s “zero tolerance” policy regarding illegal immigrants along the U.S. southern border.

“The Republican-controlled Congress, which waited for Trump to undo by unilateral decree the border folly they could have prevented by actually legislating, is an advertisement for the unimportance of Republican control,” Mr. Willwrote.

He went onto claim House Speaker Paul Ryan “sold his soul … for a tax cut” and that Mr. Trump was a like a “king” who “attracts, and is attracted to, louts.”

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