Glenn Beck Storms Out On CNN Interview After Brian Stelter Asks About His 'Imploding' Media Company
Conservative radio host Glenn Beck walked out on a CNN interview on Sunday after host Brian Stelter asked him to respond to a report that his company, The Blaze, is "imploding."
Conservative radio host Glenn Beck walked out on a CNN interview on Sunday after host Brian Stelter asked him to respond to a report that his company, The Blaze, is "imploding."
During an interview about Donald Trump's immigration policies, Beck accused CNN of covering the issue for ratings.
"Because it’s all about ratings. Because this is all about ratings," Beck griped at Stelter. "This isn’t about ratings. This is about saving our country, bringing us together. Stop dividing us."
"So, to be clear, you think that I’m dividing the country for ratings by booking you?" Stelter shot back.
"Brian, stop — look at what you’re doing," Beck replied. "When did this become about you? It’s about the media and the administration. That’s what you guys want to make it into, okay?"
"If it was about me, I would do like a ten-minute commentary the way you used to," Stelter remarked. "If it was about me, I’d get out a blackboard the way you used to."
"Look, Brian, if you want to have a conversation, the media really wants to know, great, we can have that conversation," Beck said. "Nobody’s interested in looking at themselves and saying what did I do? I know what I’ve done."
Before ending the interview, Stelter asked the radio host about a report from The Daily Beast, which says The Blaze is "imploding."
"Is this related to the point about people not talking to each other?" Stelter said. "That if you want to create that media company, there's not interest? What's going on with that?"
Beck seemed outraged by the question.
"Wow, Brian, thanks a lot," Beck said as he took off his microphone. "I think that's the most ridiculous question I've ever heard. I'm sitting here ready to talk to you about the detaining of children and parents and trying to break families apart -- something that has been happening with [former Attorney General] Janet Reno."
"That's why it went to the Supreme Court in the first place," Beck continued. "Janet Reno! It's been happening. We want to stop and you want to play those games? Have a nice day."
With that, Beck left the interview.
"What game did I just play?" Stelter wondered