Chris Cuomo Pushes Giuliani So Hard He Whines: 'I Swear To God It Was A Mistake!'
Poor Rudy. He's not nearly as slick as he wishes, trying to convince Cuomo that "lies" are really "mistakes."
He sounded like a kid trying to convince his dad he didn't know he had done anything wrong when he ate half of the cupcakes before his party. Only he is the former Mayor of New York City, and currently the President of the United States' attorney. Rudy Guiliani went on Chris Cuomo's show, and found himself in the very uncomfortable position of defending lies of the "president" and the people around him. This time related to the letter Don, Jr. supposedly wrote all by himself to explain the meeting at Trump Tower with Russians, which it turns out, was dictated by his Daddy-O.
GUILIANI: That's the danger of going under oath, that you can make a mistake -- please let me finish.
CUOMO: Please go ahead.
GUILIANI: You can make a mistake, you can make a mistake, and then if you don't want to, you could say it's a lie. But it was a mistake. I swear to god, it was a mistake. The guy made a mistake. He corrected it.
CUOMO: I hear you.
GUILIANI: Actually, had he testified under oath, before they concluded a grand jury investigation, he would have a right to recant it.
CUOMO: Sure.
GUILIANI: You have a right to correct your testimony.
CUOMO: Absolutely, he would. And be careful about swearing to god when you're in Jerusalem, it may carry more weight right now with these answers that you've given.
GUILIANI: I think I heard something up there.
CUOMO: A little thunder clap, be careful. Let's play a sound of the evolution of the recollection. This isn't sound of you, don't get upset. This is Jay Sekelow and Sarah Sanders.
Hahahaha - because remember when Guiliani got super-pissed off that Cuomo played his own words back to him? I see you, Chris. You're a funny guy...but something tells me Rudy wasn't any happier to hear this tape than he was to hear that one. It outlined in cold reality how that lie, oft-repeated, morphed into the mealy admission that Daddy Trump had input.
(TAPE) SEKULOW: That was written by Donald Trump, Jr. I'm sure in consultation with his lawyer./ That wasn't written by the president. /The president didn't sign off on anything. The president wasn't signing off on the drafting of the statement. SANDERS: He certainly didn't dictate. Like I said, he weighed in, offered a suggestion like any father would do.
CUOMO: In the letter, Sekulow says he did dictate it, but it was a reasonable thing.. Somebody is lying. And here's my argument why. It's not the kind of information that you would get wrong, that you wouldn't be privy to, that would change. Assuming that the president told them the truth about what was happening, somebody is lying about this, Rudy. And I don't understand why.
GUILIANI: I don't think anybody's lying. I think a mistake was made at the very early stages of an investigation. I don't mean an investigation. Very early stages of a representation by a lawyer, which happens all the time. So I don't think it's a significant fact. The most important thing is, there was no testimony under oath to that effect. And then when a written statement was put in, it was completely accurate.
CUOMO: You're only worried about the exposure to a crime. I'm not saying -- criminal liability is not the only bar here for a President of the United States and his team. Sarah Sanders is up there and says he had nothing to do with the writing of that. How did she get that wrong? Sekulow was wrong, she was wrong. How did these people not know?
GUILIANI: I have no idea how they got it wrong. But they got it wrong. I don't think either one of them is ever going to deliberately lie. I know the president isn't. He didn't do anything wrong. So why -- a lot of this discussion, unfortunately, is like law school debating. The main fact is, this began as an investigation of colluding with the Russians. He didn't collude with the Russians. Nobody has found any evidence that he did.
CUOMO: The second part is true.
GUILIANI: All this other stuff about obstruction, dah dah dah, you can't obstruct on a crime that was never committed.
Cuomo just smacks him around with logic and recordings, and he's left wimpering, "mistake! mistake, I swear...please collusion..." It would be adorable if it weren't so dangerous.