Trump: 'Why Are We Having A Meeting Without Russia?' Um, Because They Annexed Crimea?

He's so tough on Putin, he practically did a commercial for him.

Trump went off on a 20-minute rant this morning before he got on the plane to go to the G-7 summit. Asked a question about the summit, here was his response:

"You can call it anything you want. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter what you call it. It used to be the G-8 because Russia was in it. Now Russia's not in it," he said.

"Now, I love our country. I have been Russia's worst nightmare. If Hillary got in, I think Putin is probably going, man, I wish Hillary won. You see what I do. But with that being said, Russia should be in this meeting. Why are we having a meeting without Russia being in the meeting? And I would recommend -- it's up to them. But Russia should be in the meeting, should be a part of it. You know it. Whether you like it or not, and it may not be politically correct, we have a world to run. They threw Russia out. They should let Russia come back."

Russia was kicked out of the G-8 for annexing Crimea. Russia was only in the G-8 as a sop -- Russia's economy isn't large enough to be included.

But look what Trump's doing.

Remember, the reason Putin invested so much in electing Trump is because he wanted to blow up NATO and the Western alliance.

Mission accomplished!

Update: President Obama's foreign policy advisor:

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