Lawrence O'Donnell Invites First Immigrant FLOTUS To Hold Immigrant Babies In Texas

O'Donnell might as well have had a picture of Melania Trump with the words "IMMIGRANT" stamped all over it in red. He's too classy for that, though.

Lawrence O'Donnell had a suggestion for our First Lady last night. He invited her to Texas for a visit to the detention centers where her husband's administration was traumatizing toddlers by keeping them from their parents and refusing to allow the caretakers to hold and comfort them.

"It seems like this is a unique opportunity for our first immigrant First Lady. This is a unique opportunity and a unique obligation for our first immigrant First Lady to come down here, to pick up one of these children, to pick up one of these untouchable babies, who no one else is allowed to touch, and see what the power of her hug, immigrant to immigrant could do for one of those children, and what it could mean to this story, and what it could mean to her husband's understanding of what he has done here."

That's three times in a span of 30 seconds O'Donnell referred to Melania Trump as an immigrant instead of using her name. He placed so much emphasis on the word so as to illustrate his disgust at the hypocrisy, but managed to stop just short of spitting, class act that he is.

Now, O'Donnell said the sight of the power of her hugging another immigrant baby might have an impact on her husband's understanding of what he's done. Let's be realistic, though, Lawrence. You and I both know that there is nothing on this earth that will impact his understanding of what he has done and what he is doing if it must involve empathy for others - even helpless babies. He can only understand impact of something in terms of how it affects him. Then, and only then will his policies be influenced.

And in the same segment Stephanie Ruhle had some words for Ivanka "see my adorable instagram with my kids" Trump:

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