A Must-Watch Lawrence O'Donnell Monologue: Donald Trump Steals Grief

The media cannot keep up with trump's lies. It has become the job of the citizens.

I was told there would be no math. For Lawrence O'Donnell, though, I will make an exception.

O'Donnell spent some time illustrating not only the frequency of the Tangerine Turdnugget's lies, but also their magnitude, and the depths of their perversity. Let's talk about the Korean War.

TRUMP: One of the things that really I'm happy is that the soldiers that died in Korea, their remains are going to be coming back home. And we have thousands of people that have asked for that. Thousands and thousands of people. So many people asked when I was on the campaign. I'd say, wait a minute. I don't have any relationship. But they said when you can, president, we'd love our son to be brought back home. You know, the remains.

Aaaaaah. A regular William Jennings Bryan, that one.

O'Donnell has to come in with the facts, though, and point out that any parents of Korean War soldiers would be between 102 and 111 years old. Therefore, D-E-D. So the number of parents who asked for their son's remains is, you know. ZERO.

O'DONNELL: He will lie about anything and everything. Nothing is sacred to him. And every once in a while, we just have to stop. We have to pause over that because it is a national emergency. It is something we have never seen before, and it is something we must never get used to. Imagine what would happen if any Democrat, even any other Republican lied about the parents of America's military who were killed in action sharing their grief with them. Donald Trump is trying to steal the grief of the now dead parents of soldiers killed in the Korean war and pretend that he shared their grief with them and that he accomplished something for them when talking to the North Korean dictator, who has reportedly charted the United States $1 million every time he has allowed the returns of the remains of a single American soldier. Stealing grief is a Donald Trump specialty. Here he is lying about losing friends of his on 9/11 during the presidential campaign.

TRUMP: Excuse me. I lost hundreds of friends. The World Trade Center came down during the -- he kept us safe? That's not safe.

AGAIN with the math? The school year is over, man, can't I relax?

O'DONNELL: ...Donald Trump lost zero friends on 9/11. Donald Trump attended zero 9/11 funerals. Donald Trump stole the grief of hundreds of families who lost a loved one on 9/11 and tried to make it his own for political reasons. That is how deep and perverse Donald Trump's lying is. Donald Trump's lying is worse. It is uglier than any other public liar in American history, and this week he lied for political advantage about Korean War dead in the same breath that he praised the North Korean dictator who holds on to power in North Korea through murder and torture and terrorizing the entire population of North Korea.

Okay, so hundreds minus hundreds is zero. That's basically the number I need to always associate with trump. As in, the percentage of times he tells the truth in an interview is zero. Happy, Lawrence? I even worked a percentage in there.

O'DONNELL: You are never going to see a satisfying interview of Donald Trump, an interview where he is successfully challenged on every lie, because Donald Trump will never submit to an interview where that could possibly happen. And the news media is never going to be able to keep up with all of Donald Trump's lies after he tells them. So you as a citizen have a new job. You must protect yourselves from the lies of Donald Trump. You must do your own homework to expose Donald Trump's lies to yourself and your family and your friends and your fellow citizens. The president of the United States is a deeply sick, pathological and perverse liar who will lie about anything, at any time, and that changes -- changes utterly the nature of your job as a citizen.

Oh, good lord, now I have to do social studies??? Sigh. Okay, Lawrence. For you.

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