The Left Is Now The Moral Majority

United Methodists and the head of the Catholic Church unite with people of all faiths, or none, against family separation.

It's a pretty cut and dried case. Either you are for children and babies staying with their mothers, or you are against motherhood.

That's both a political and moral loser. And some churches know it.

This week hundreds of pastors in my own church, the United Methodists, signed a document requesting "conversation" with Jeff Sessions (he's a Southerner first and Methodist second, I do declare) over the fact that his policies regarding migrant children are child abuse.

And seriously "not separating families" is in the texts United Methodists have used for years. This is not against a specific administration, though of course only one administration has pushed this stupid "zero tolerance" policy to get wall funding. Mexico is gonna pay for the Wall, right?

PS Hillary Clinton and I are Illinois Methodists.

And the Pope of the Catholic Church had something to say, too, on this, World Refugee Day:

I also want to highlight what "Family Leader" editor Bob Vander Platts said in the video above. The US Government CAN "walk and chew gum at the same time." We CAN use wisdom in creating a just and fair immigration policy based on the economic needs of our workforce, and at the same time show mercy to those seeking asylum from danger.

But we can't do it with a bunch of racist voters choosing racist buffoons to run the government. Those who say the "choice" is between locking babies in cages and getting raped by MS13. THAT is the "hysteria" governing this debate.

Don't believe me?

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