No, Sessions Is NOT 'Following The Law,' He's Actually Breaking It

HHS is not allowed to hold minors for more than 72 hours, but migrants aren't with HHS yet. The backlog is where Jeff Sessions is holding hostages for "The Wall."

No, Jeff Sessions and Trump are actually breaking the law when it comes to migrant children.

No, we're going to change the party that runs Congress and then Change the President.

Dear readers: show your MAGA relatives what's actually on the books when it comes to these kids.

Stephanie Ruhle airs one of her excellent "For Fact's Sake" segments, pointing out that no law on the books requires family separation. And there's more. National Security Reporter for NBC Julia Ainsley said this:

AINSLEY: Unaccompanied children, which is what the children become when they're separated, can't be in custody longer than 72 hours. As we reported a week or so ago, with my colleague, these children are now being held in immigration detention centers before they get to HHS for longer than 72 hours, because HHS is so flooded. They have over 11,000 children, meaning the facilities we have seen on camera, those are the ones they want to get into. They're being held in places run by the border patrol where, often, they don't have enough bedding. They're separated from their parents there. They're crying. Those people are being held longer than that 2008 law allows. Really, they're actually breaking the laws they are saying is forcing them to do this.

Ruhle tries to remove the heartstrings from this segment and get to a factual point: Who benefits from this policy? The only ones who benefit are those seeking to rile up the racist base of the Republican Party.

RUHLE: I just keep trying to dig down into who these policies are being set in place for. It almost seems like it is tax dollars being spent for theater. I can't figure out who is attending this show.

Here's the audience, Stephanie:

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