Mike Pence Confronted By Protesters: 'Where Are The Children?

Protesters demanded information about jailed immigrant children. Pence ignored them.

Protesters demanded answers about the jailing of immigrant children at a Mike Pence speech in Columbus, Ohio last night. Via Columbus Post-Dispatch:

Outside the hotel, a vigorous pack of protesters who closed down Third Street dwarfed the size of the crowd inside, where about 100 chairs were vacant in the 400-seat ballroom. The Columbus crowd was far smaller than those even in such places as Fargo, North Dakota, Montgomery said.

[...] The speech was interrupted about half-a-dozen times. The first protester shouted about children being locked up in cages before security and Columbus police took him away, to cheers from the crowd. As at Trump rallies, backers try to drown out the dissidents with a “U-S-A” chant.

Later, a woman waved a “Love is Love” banner that a man in the crowd tried unsuccessfully to rip from her hand, before she, too, was taken away..

Pence ignored the protesters, as usual. He's too busy visualizing himself in the Oval Office.

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