Reminder: John Kasich Is Just A More Affable Version Of Trump

John Kasich is not in the mythic middle he keeps praising, but he pretends to be on TV.

John Kasich makes my skin crawl, because he's very good at making people think he's reasonable. He's not. On MSNBC this morning with Stephanie Ruehl, they discussed the uproar over, you know, putting children in cages:

"I was reading last night about they're putting these kids in -- they called them cages. I mean, are you kidding me? This is America," Kasich said.

"I would think a family values party, because that's what conservatives say they are, I would think they would oppose this," Ruehl said. "So help me understand this border policy and we're living in a time when Republicans control the Senate, they control the House and they control the White House."

And here's where the bullsh*t begins.

"Stephanie, look, this is where you and you're terrific, where you and I part," Kasich said. "When the Democrats -- when we had a government shutdown, I believe that the Democrats and Chuck Schumer abandoned DACA. They were not willing to make the fight."

Wait for it....

"This is both parties. Don't you see what's happening? If you're a Democrat, then you're against everything the Republicans are doing."

Maybe the Republicans should stop pushing policies that destroy the economy, shred our healthcare coverage, and support putting immigrant children in cages?

"If you're a Republican, you're against everything the Democrats are doing. I got to play to my base. You know, if you're a Democrat today, if you don't play to the left-wing base, then you can't be approved by Bernie Sanders."

Umm, no. If you don't have progressive policies, you're not approved by the voters. See the difference?

"Look, it's not just Republicans. It's the whole darn mess."

And the only thing we can do about it is put an aw-shucks liar with a better personality in the White House, amirite?

"Am I frustrated with Republicans, the fact that they're not standing up? Of course I am. I've been saluting these congressmen who were willing to have a discharge petition to break loose a vote on DACA. I don't even know where that stands right now. it's so confusing to me. Stand up. Be for something in life. That's why people are frustrated and losing hope and institutions "

Reminder: John Kasich has signed every extreme anti-abortion measure that's reached his desk.

He's a climate change denier.

He wants to privatize public education.

He keep raising sales taxes on poor people and cutting income taxes on the rich.

And he smiles a lot while he's doing it, explaining to voters how gosh-darn compassionate he is.

He's not a moderate. He just plays one on TV.

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