Sarah Huckabee Sanders Defends Trump's Indefensible Immigration Policy
That pesky press corps just won't stop challenging the morality of ripping children away from their parents at the border.
We shouldn't be shocked that Sarah Huckabee Sanders reinforced Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III's twisted adherence to the Bible from behind the press secretary's podium. Yet, here we are. In a presser that, with any luck, signals the End of Days for this wretched administration, Sanders claimed it is "Biblical to enforce the law."
Appalling all around her, she moved effortlessly from Christianity to Naziism, shifting the focus to solely and simply "enforcing the law," and flat out lying about who was to blame for the situation.
Jim Acosta tried mightily to get her to say whether or not the administration's policy of brutally and dishonestly separating children from their parents as they cross the border was moral, and to get her to say why they are doing it. Here's a sampling of her answers.
"It's a moral policy to follow and enforce the law."
"Because it's the law."
"Legal loopholes the Democrats refuse to close." (um, me, here... who controls both Houses of Congress again?)
"The Democrats have failed to come to the table. Failed to fix this problem." (no, they have not failed to do wasn't a problem until this administration began to do it...)
Paula Reid, of CBS, dared to speak truth in that venue (and didn't burst into flames, amazingly...):
"There is no law that requires families to be separated at the border. This was the Administration's choice to move from civil matters on immigration to criminal - criminally prosecute people who come across the border, and therefore to separate families. So why did the Administration find this was necessary? And if it continues to not have much of a deterrent effect, will you continue this policy?"
Sanders: "Until Democrats are willing to fix this problem..."
Reid was persistent, asking if the administration or Sessions would take responsibility for the change, and good ole Sarah just kept blaming the Dems. Just like a good propagandist. Just like a good soldier. It's the law. Morality doesn't matter. Lie about who is to blame. Follow the rules regardless of the impact and who it hurts. Don't use your brain. Follow the leader.
Next, Brian Karem, of Playboy, had his very own Joseph Welch moment. He couldn't take it anymore, and shouted at Sarah, even though he hadn't been called on to ask a question. "Have you no empathy?" Well, not is what he really said:
“Come on, Sarah, you’re a parent! Don’t you have any empathy for what these people are going through?”
She refused to answer him, and his diatribe went on for at least another minute or so while she tried to call on another reporter. Karem threw up his hands and gave up after his truly valiant and heartfelt attempts to reach her on a human level bounced off of her like bullets off a Kevlar vest. His exasperation was palpable, and so was the tension in the room.
Finally, moving on, a reporter asked her a question on Crimea.
"Sarah, does the president really think that Crimea is part of Russia because they speak Russian?"
Unrelated, but maybe kid heard that last question, and asked hopefully, "Does that mean we're still part of England???"
If only, kid. I doubt England would take us back at this point.