Scott Pruitt Spends $1M More On 'Security' Than He Did Last Month
Among the new purchases were thousands spent on "tactical pants" and "tactical polo shirts."
The Intercept has new documents showing Scott Pruitt, Trump's pet monkey, has spent more than $4.6 million on "security." It's a $1.1 million increase from Pruitt’s total security costs since another disclosure just a month ago.
Records released under the Freedom of Information Act list expenditures totaling $288,610 on a range of security-related items. The EPA, according to three expense line items for April, spent a total of $2,749.62 on “tactical pants” and “tactical polos.”
Since last year, shortly after his Senate confirmation, Pruitt’s office began purchasing security-related items, including multiple vehicle leases, over $80,000 worth of radios, $700 in shoulder holsters for the radios, and a kit to break down doors, among other purchases.
In case you were wondering, "tactical" pants and polos are .... heavy duty fabric, sold to cops. No special protection at all.
What the hell is going on at the EPA? Which flavor of survivalist nut is Pruitt? Is he convinced Trump will be impeached and Pruitt will have to turn his office into a bunker and fight it out?
My head hurts. Every day, my head hurts. These are dangerous, crazy people.