Snowflake GOP House Melts Down; Tries To Stop Ted Lieu Playing Crying Children Audio

Shorter GOP House: Waaah! You're making us look like we don't care about children we're locking up and dehumanizing!

Hey, Republican House Members, I've got an idea:

If you don't want to be known as the biggest caucus of inhuman duck lickers in American History, stop being that.

Democrat Ted Lieu, like many Americans, is outraged at the policy the Trump administration appears to be continuing to condone: separating migrant children from their parents at the border as a deterrent against refugees seeking asylum entering the United States.

Let me say that again.

The policy is this:

Separating migrant children from their parents at the border as a deterrent against refugees seeking asylum entering the United States.

Today on the House floor he played audio of children crying in immigration detention.

REP TED LIEU (D-CA): If the Statue of Liberty could cry, she would be crying today. As I stand here there are 2,300 kids that have been ripped away from their parents by our government.

A Republican colleague tried to stop Lieu by noting a rule that a member cannot make noise on the house floor from an electronic object. (?) Note that the Republican is much better versed in House rules to silence Democrats, than she is on the law regarding Asylum.

Ted Lieu stood his ground and played the audio.

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