Staff Paid $60k/year To Tape Trump's Papers Back Together
Trump routinely rips and tosses documents that, under law, need to be preserved.
Howard Hughes reportedly paid one of his staff $50,000 a year to catch flies for him (the insects). And now we have this crazy joker inhabiting the Oval Office, routinely ripping up documents that, under law, need to be preserved. And since he won't listen to anyone, people who should be doing other things, are being tasked with literally scotch-taping these documents back together again.
The mind boggles.
Source: New York Post
WASHINGTON – They never thought they’d be piecing the presidency together.
Solomon Lartey and Reginald Young Jr. admitted to Politico their Trump administration jobs were to use rolls of Scotch tape to glue together papers that President Trump destroyed.
The trained records management analysts made more than $60,000 a year to preserve presidential documents for the National Archives before they were abruptly fired earlier this year.
But the career professionals say their jobs changed when Trump came to the White House because the new commander-in-chief routinely rips up documents that needed to be preserved.
Under the Presidential Records Act, the White House must hold onto presidential records for safekeeping and historical purposes.
But staff had a hard time convincing Trump to ditch the habit of ripping up paper when he was finished and tossing the confetti-like pieces into the trash and on the floor.
So staff made the habit collecting the discarded, hand-shredded papers and sending them next door to the Old Executive Office Building where career staff had to tape them back together, “like a jigsaw puzzle,” Lartey said.