Steve Schmidt Denounces, Then Leaves The Republican Party
Schmidt called today's Republican Party, " corrupt, indecent and immoral." Aligns himself with the Democrats.
The Republican Party has become the party of Trump, "corrupt, indecent and immoral." And that Ronald Reagan would have been ashamed of McConnell and Paul Ryan (debatable), and that they had disgraced the party of Lincoln (nevermind that it hasn't been that in well over a century). Much of this Schmidt has said before. What is new, however, is that he's now aligning himself with the Democratic Party, saying: "This Independent voter will be aligned with the only party left in America that stands for what is right and decent and remains fidelitous to our Republic, objective truth, the rule of law and our Allies. That party is the Democratic Party."
I suppose we can scoff at people like Steve Schmidt and Rick Wilson, who have been among the most vocal and strident anti-Trumpers out there. Certainly among talking heads on tv. And that they, and people like them, did their own part to make today's Republican Party the awful thing it has become. (Schmidt, rather infamously, helped bring Sarah Palin into the mix for John McCain, their so-called "game changer".) But if the Republican Party is ever to get back to being a functioning entity, more people like Schmidt will have to speak up and speak up loudly that what they're doing is not acceptable.
Source: The Hill
Republican strategist Steve Schmidt, one of the GOP's loudest critics of President Trump, renounced the party early Wednesday and announced that he will begin voting for Democrats.
Schmidt slammed Trump in a Twitter thread, saying he was leaving the party that once ended slavery.
That old trope about the GOP being the party of Lincoln again. Hell, it isn't the party of Eisenhower, from an era when significant civil rights legislation was passed, Today's Republicans do a 180, and actually work to restrict voting again. Not to mention ignoring Eisenhower's warning about embracing the military-industrial complex. But I digress...
Laying the blame squarely at the feet of McConnell and Ryan.
"internment camps for babies"
"Today the GOP has become a danger to our democracy and values."