Velshi, Ruhle Slam Betsy Devos Studying School Safety But Not Guns

Betsy DeVos tells a Senate committee that they're studying school safety, but not guns.

Betsy DeVos tells a Senate committee that they're studying school safety, but not guns, silly! Then she smirks her billionaire smirk and runs away.

Stephanie Ruhle says it's like studying car accidents but not cars.

Then they ask the president of the American Federation of Teachers, Randi Weingarten, what she thinks:

RANDI WEINGARTEN: Nothing any longer surprises me about what Betsy DeVos does. It's just -- it's more than ridiculous. It says to people in America that the federal government doesn't work because it is the height of hypocrisy to pretend you're doing something but then actually not do it. Stephanie just said the statistics that I would have said but let's put it this way. Other countries have figured this out, and Betsy DeVos is not only not letting guns be an issue in a commission that was set up after the murder of children in schools by guns but she's also not going to the hearing today where you have people like Abby Clemons who survived the 2012 Sandy Hook shooting, testifying. I would say to Betsy is this, maybe she read The New York Times today, at least she'll get some indication of what happened, the terror that happened in Parkland. If you're so intent today to study what Switzerland is doing in terms of career tech ed, why don't you study what Australia and Great Britain are doing in terms of gun safety in schools? It's just hypocritical, and frankly, the problem is given this administration, the only thing we can do is actually not have this administration. They don't want to solve it.

STEPHANIE RUHLE: I understand that's your position, but this is our current administration. We've got to work with who the president is. I know you wrote a letter to President Trump back in February.

WEINGARTEN: He never answered.

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