In Discussion About Civility, Fox Guest Likens Maxine Waters To Hitler

Fox guest Randy Sutton, a former Las Vegas police lieutenant, claimed that tolerance is “what makes this country great.” But clearly, his idea of “tolerance” meant Democrats should shut up and stop exercising their free speech rights of confronting the tyranny of the Trump administration.

Fox guest Randy Sutton, a former Las Vegas police lieutenant, claimed that tolerance is “what makes this country great.” But clearly, his idea of “tolerance” meant Democrats should shut up and stop exercising their free speech rights of confronting the tyranny of the Trump administration.

Tuesday, Fox News’ Your World show had the obvious intent of demonizing the resisters who have confronted Trump administration officials in public. In case someone missed the message, the lower-third banner blared, “NEW QUESTIONS AS SOME TRUMP OFFICIALS ARE CONFRONTED AT HOME AND RESTAURANTS” throughout the discussion.

Not surprisingly, nobody mentioned, much less objected to, the inflammatory, violent rhetoric of Donald Trump.

Fox’s latest conservative martyr was Environmental Protection Administration Secretary Scott Pruitt. We saw video of him being confronted by a young woman holding a baby in a restaurant. Although the woman was obviously not speaking angrily or threateningly, Sutton called her behavior “bullying.”

Host Neil Cavuto did not challenge the characterization. Instead, he further suggested that the woman (and others like her) were some kind of threat by asking, “How do you keep it safe for people … so it doesn’t escalate into something that could be threatening?”

Sutton called for restaurant owners to call the police on such people. Then he doubled down on the “bullying” accusation before raising the ante.

SUTTON: We have this escalating problem with this bullying taking place, this division, and then you’ve got Maxine Waters who’s, like, hanging around her cauldron stirring the pot, and I want to talk about another politician that wanted to pit groups of people against each other which is exactly what’s happening here, and it led to deadly consequences. His name was Adolf Hitler.

At least Cavuto challenged that last bit. “I think we’re taking a little bit of a leap there,” he said.

Of course, nobody mentioned Trump’s menacing tweet about Waters:

Sutton went on to call for leaders to promote tolerance. Yet he only seemed to care about tolerant leadership from one side:

SUTTON: The people in leadership positions, instead of calling for divisiveness and division, and calling for people to harass others, need to talk about what makes this country great and that is tolerance for each other. This indecent type of behavior is not only an embarrassment to our nation, but it is leading to dangerous situations and it’s just a matter of time, Neil, before this escalates.

If, God forbid, there is violence, even if the only violent ones are Trump supporters, you can bet your bottom dollar that Fox will blame the left.

See how Fox values tolerance and civility above, from the July 3, 2018 Your World.

Crossposted at News Hounds.
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