Eric Bolling Wants Trump To Read His Book For 'Recommendations'
Your liberal TV, hosting a moment of "Republicans in Disarray," featuring Charlie Sykes and Eric Bolling, debating the fate of the GOP.
Pardon me if I take a moment for a little "Republicans in Disarray" crowing, except that having it hosted on the "liberal" cable news network is pathetic.
Joe Scarborough took a break from his "why? why? What happened to my Republican Party?" chest beating and also from his "Oh I'm an Independent now The Republican Party left me and NONE OF THIS IS MY FAULT" excuse-making...
to moderate a debate (Three Republican White guys is a debate panel on liberal TV's flagship morning program, really?) between fired-for-cause-from-Fox-News harasser Eric Bolling and Charlie "nevermind my years as the Wisconsin Rush Limbaugh I'm a Never Trumper now" Charlie Sykes.
Eric has a book out which "concludes with a series of recommendations for President Trump: practical, hard-headed, and concise ways to drain the swamp and force Washington to be more transparent, more accountable, and more effective in how it serves those who have elected its politicians and pay the bills for their decisions."
Recommendations for Trump in BOOK format. Isn't that adorable?
And of course, Charlie Sykes is Joe Scarborough's hero because he's successfully re-branded himself away from his own past. Joe Scarborough doesn't seem to be able to shake off the stink from hosting phone interviews with Trump MONTHLY for almost the entire 2016 campaign season, as well as hosting the Trump sycophant of the decade Mark Halperin.
SERIOUS QUESTION for MSNBC: Why is sexual harasser Eric Bolling allowed to come on Morning Joe and pimp his book? You fired Mark Halperin, but Fox bozos get a pass if they have the right publicist? SHAME.
Anyway, back to Sykes and Bolling.
Eric Bolling's debate strategy hasn't changed. He interrupts and belittles without substance.
And sure, Charlie Sykes has substance as a Never Trumper, but his argument is that the Republican Congress "should" pass a resolution reaffirming support for our intelligence agencies and making it clear Russia will be held accountable.
I can't decide which is more ridiculous:
Charlie Sykes suggesting the Republican Congress grow a spine...or...
Eric Bolling suggesting Trump read a book.
Republicans in disarray!