Hannity Stumbles And Stutters While Explaining His Relationship With Michael Cohen

Eventually, Sean Hannity knows Michael Cohen will spill the beans on him.

Sean Hannity laughably claimed to be “totally transparent” as he put forth a completely incoherent “explanation” of his relationship with former Trump attorney Michael Cohen.

Hannity was clearly unhappy with the breaking news about the release of the Cohen tape Tuesday night. In it, Cohen is heard discussing with Donald Trump hush money to Playboy model Karen McDougal, in contradiction of current-lawyer Rudy Giuliani’s claim that it would prove “exculpatory.”

“I don’t see any there there, it seems like a dud and I don’t know what these other 11 tapes are about,” Hannity groused.

As I’ve previously written, it seems clear to me that Hannity had a relationship with Cohen that will prove very embarrassing, at the least, once the details are known. The fact that there are 11 more tapes, some of which are said to include conversations between Cohen and “members of the media” seems, I have theorized, terrifying to Hannity.

To put it bluntly, Hannity also seemed drunk on the air. Whatever the reason, Hannity’s statement about his relationship with Cohen only served to raise more questions:

HANNITY: I was not a client of his, although, I did ask him a legal question on -- we used to talk, privately, and I - so -- but we didn't have a business relationship, and -- just to be totally transparent.

Instead of legal analysts, Hannity hosted NRATV host Dan Bongino and Sebastian Gorka. Bongino proved how inadequate to the task he was by ignorantly opining that Cohen might have committed a crime. If Trump had been in Florida, Bongino announced, it would have been illegal to record Trump without permission because Florida is a “two-party consent state.”

As Bad Fox Graphics noted, the conversation was obviously recorded in person, in Cohen’s New York office.

Gorka, the thuggish, Nazi Party-linked fugitive, attacked CNN on equally ignorant grounds. “Instead of actually being a news organization,” Gorka accused, CNN had focused on the tape instead of Trump’s supposedly glorious poll numbers. Gorka cited a Wall Street Journal/NBC poll that, he claimed, found Trump with the “highest approval rating in his 18th month than any president since polling began except [George W. Bush].”

Gorka really needs to do a better job of fact checking, especially before he lectures other news organizations about their standards. The Wall Street Journal clearly states, in large type right under the headline, Trump’s job approval “remains among the lowest of any modern president at this point his first term.”

Predictably, Hannity did not correct Gorka’s misinformation. “They’re making a mockery of themselves,” Gorka continued, with rich irony and his trademark sneer.

Watch it above, from the July 24, 2018 Hannity, and tell me: doesn’t Hannity look and sound drunk? Especially when he says, “I think if he cured cancer, Dan, they’d still hate him,” near the end. Video via Media Matters.

Originally published at Newshounds.us

Karoli adds: After Ellen wrote this, news broke that the feds have at least 100 recordings, including recordings with journalists.

The government has seized more than 100 recordings that Cohen made of his conversations with people discussing matters that could relate to Trump and his businesses and with Trump himself talking, according to two people familiar with the recordings. Cohen appeared to make some recordings with an iPhone — without telling anyone he was taping them.

A significant portion of the recordings is Cohen surreptitiously recording reporters who met with or questioned Cohen about Trump during the campaign and after Trump’s election, the people said.

Do you think Hannity is one of them? Hmmm.

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