Jeff Sessions Goes Full Handmaid's Tale With 'Religious Task Force'

This is a "task force" to bring about White Christopathy to America.

Election year politics brings danger to gays, atheists, and women.

Jeff Sessions held a ceremony this morning to announce his "Religious Liberty Task Force," which will indoctrinate the Justice Department staff on how to protect people who don't want to sell wedding cakes to gay people.

Okay, that's not how HE put it, Buzzfeed said "Critics have feared the policy may provide a loophole for discrimination." Loophole? No, it's a wide-open gate for all the wrong people:

The ACLU had something to say about this:

So does Americans United for the Separation of Church and State:

The Do No Harm act demands consistency from our government in cases of religious discrimination:

It's important to note that Jeff Sessions is all about protecting religious freedom when it comes to baking cakes for gays, but when it comes to Muslim bans, mosque construction, and discrimination against Sikhs in the workplace? Not so much. And don't get me started about abortion clinic protests.

And by the way, your taxes are paying for it.

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