Just Last Week, GOP House Inserted Loophole To Weaken Russian Sanctions

Last week before the Treason Summit, the GOP House slipped in a loophole which would weaken Russian sanctions. Oh no you don't.

On this morning's "Morning Joe", Eddie Glaude, Jr., noticed that Republicans are going right back to saying nothing against Trump, and so soon. (Transcript via Media Matters):

EDDIE GLAUDE, JR: ...I think it's important to understand that Republicans -- after Charlottesville, they didn't want to be marked with racism, didn't want to be seen as racist. And in this instance, they don't want to be seen as unpatriotic. So it makes sense that in both those two instances that a number of Republicans would come out and be strong and have a visceral reaction to Trump's comments. But what will follow from that is very different because as soon as Senate Majority Leader [Mitch] McConnell [(R-KY)], in the first press conference, said something about Russia, he immediately pivoted to the judges. Right? [Sen.] Lindsey Graham [(R-SC)] just said missed opportunity, he didn't appreciate it. And then [Sen.] Marco Rubio [(R-FL)], “He clarified matters, but now we need to get to X, Y, and Z." They're already pivoting. So I think this is going to be business as usual.

Heidi Przybyla pointed out that the House GOP alarmingly added a loophole last week to a Defense bill that would actually WEAKEN the Russian Sanctions. DefenseNews.com:

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis has asked lawmakers to permit special national security exemptions for U.S. allies who are buying Russian systems but intend to eventually stop, citing India, Vietnam and Indonesia.

Democrats are argue the proposed fix is over-broad and would just give Trump the power to undo the sanctions on anyone, as long as he declares it’s because they’re altering their ties with Russia. “His record doesn’t necessarily suggest he’d feel confined to use the power just for that narrow purpose,” said one House Democratic aide.

It’s unclear whether Republicans will accede to Schumer’s demands, but a fraction of them have been critical of Trump’s Helsinki conduct.

Trump has been so wishy-washy about even implementing the sanctions and this week we found out why. He's a Russian plant. Get over yourselves, GOP, you and your traitor potus are going down in November.

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