Michael Cohen Alleges Donald Trump Knew About June 2016 Trump Tower Meeting In Advance

If true, this completely changes the whole story

Michael Cohen dropped a HUGE bomb on Thursday night and the allegation, if true, really blows up Donald Trump's story about the timeline regarding his knowledge about the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting.

CNN is reporting that Donald Trump knew about the June 2016 meeting in advance and that he was fully aware that the Russians were "expected to offer his campaign dirt on Hillary Clinton." This claim would completely contradict repeated denials by the Trump campaign, Donald Trump Jr, Giuliani, etc. Ever since this story broke in July 2017, Trump has denied knowing about the purpose of the meeting and even went so far as to initially claim that the meeting was about "Russian adoptions."

Cohen states that he was present in a meeting, along with "several others", and that Trump was "informed of the Russians' offer by Trump Jr."Further, Cohen states that Trump "approved going ahead with the meeting with the Russians."

It is important to note that Cohen has no evidence or tapes to back up his allegation, but I am certain that Robert Mueller's team is going to be interested in hearing his story anyhow.

UPDATE: In case you thought Cohen leaked this, it would seem not. According to Lanny Davis, the story did not come from him.

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