Michelle Obama's Voter Registration Drive Is Non-Partisan? I Don't Think So

Mainstream media outlets are portraying Michelle Obama's commitment to GOTV as "not the help Democrats had hoped for." Please.

This week, Michelle Obama joined Lin-Manuel Miranda to launch WhenWeAllVote.org, a public relations campaign to encourage young voters and people of color to register to vote.

It's not enough for certain mainstream media outlets, however, who have to push the "Democrats in disarray" narrative no matter what.

Politico: "The new initiative will be nonpartisan, frustrating some Democrats who’d like the former first lady to hit the campaign trail for candidates."

Slate: "The group is a strictly nonpartisan affair, much to Democrats’ chagrin." [How do they prove that? By linking to Politico.]

Newsweek: "Michelle Obama Announces Midterm Plans -- But Won't Be Campaigning for Democrats"

That last headline is an out-and-out lie, since no schedule for Mrs. Obama has been released yet, and she may decide to make an appearance or two for specific Democratic candidates.

These outlets are creating a controversy where there is none. NOT ONE of the three - Slate, Politico, or Newsweek, has one Democratic candidate or Committee official saying "too bad Michelle isn't campaigning for us."

All of them were too lazy on a midsummer week to call up the DNC and get a quote saying "Oh totally, registering young people and POC's isn't our ABSOLUTE TOP PRIORITY. Up yours, Michelle Obama!"

As if.

Maybe those outlets could call Kris Kobach and ask him and his Republican goon squad how many doors they've knocked on to get young people and people of color registered? #BothSidesDont!

These outlets are just ticked that they can't get the eyeballs covering door-to-door voter registration, because yeah, that's the incredibly boring yet incredibly important work that wins elections.

And you know who knows that? Community organizers like the Obamas.

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