The NRA's Strange Silence On Their Collusion With Russia

'Moms Demand Action' founder Shannon Watts says it time for them to come clean.

"'The walls are closing in on the NRA." From your lips to God's ears, Shannon Watts.

The NRA has powerful bought-and-paid-for friends in Congress, for now. But if, as expected, the Democrats retake the House, then NRA will soon find out what selling out your country will cost them.

People like Dana Loesch are long overdue for a day of reckoning.

Source: Raw Story

With host Joy Reid introducing the segment by noting that NRA spokesperson Dana Loesch was recently revealed to have called Moms Demand Action members “dry-humping whores,” the MSNBC host asked founder Shannon Watts to weigh in on the NRA’s silence since the arrest of Butina.

“Why do you suppose they have been quiet about this unfolding scandal involving them?” Reid asked.
Ever since the story broke about Butina, they have been silent,” she continued. “Look, we know that the NRA leadership traveled to Moscow. We know they met with Kremlin officials. We know they hosted an alleged Russian agent at their annual meeting. They need to come clean and they need to talk about it and answer questions.”

“The walls are closing in on the NRA,” she warned. “It’s time to be honest with what their relationship is and not with just with Butina, but with Russia.”

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